Guido Möbius is a musician, music publisher and PR person for music and art, who lives in Berlin. He
released records on labels like dekorder, Karaoke Kalk, Shitkatapult and clapping music, among
others. Möbius performs solo or with the trio Gordan feat. the serbian singer Svetlana Spajic and Andi
Stecher on drums.
Next to his artistic work, Möbius runs the music publishing house Autopilot. Autopilot Music Publishing
handles the rights of artists such as F.S. Blumm, Nicholas Bussmann, Sicker Man or zeitkratzer.
Möbius is also one of Germanys prime PR agents for leftfield music. His clients are international
record companies and many of Berlin’s most interesting music promoters like sonig, smalltown
supersound, Universal, Deutsche Grammophon, Accidental Records, House Of The World Cultures,
Basic Channel, CTM Festival a.o.
On his label emphase records Möbius released a series of 7-inches called ONE. The only condition
enposed on the artists by the label is to use only one instrument as a source. Each cover is hand-
printed with special stamps. The artworks were made up by the artists themselves. The ONE series
features exclusive tracks by Mats Gustafsson, Pierre Bastien, Hans Reichel, Franz Hautzinger, Vert
and others.
In his solo live sets Möbius creates delicate links between experimentation, funk, polyrhythmic
patterns, acid, weird noises and gospel music. Methodically prepared passages and improvisation
combine into a coherent set, and he deals with the energy on the fly. On stage Guido Möbius is
surrounded by his serially connected effects units that he controls as if in a trance. Failures and
restarts are constant companions and sources of inspiration. Möbius always invites chance to be his
International festival bookings include CTM (Ger), Todays Art (NL), Lethargy (CH), Nrmal (Mex),
Electrónica en Abril (ES), Serendip (FR), Acusmaticq (IT), Fusion (Ger), Lunchmeat (CZ), Biennale de
l’image possible (BE), WNWH (FR), Nono Logic (ES), Kometa (LV), Off the Radar (Ger), Mismas (CZ),
Time Zones (IT), Braille Satellite (LT), Construction (UA), Heart Of Noise (AT), Experimenta (IT)
a million magnets (emphase 2022, LP/DL) solo album
Gordan, Down In The Meadow (Morphine 2021, LP/DL) band album
G.A.M.S., s/t (Karlrecords 2019, LP/DL) band album
Batagur Baska (Shitkatapult 2016, CD/LP/DL) solo album
v.a., Though The Darkness Gathers (Karaoke Kalk 2013, CD) remix album
Spirituals (Karaoke Kalk 2012, CD/LP) solo album
asper #2 (Clapping music / Dokidoki éditions 2011, split LP with Centenaire + KingQ4)
Gebirge (Karaoke Kalk 2009, CD) solo album
dishoek (Dekorder 2005, CD/LP) solo album
Klisten (Klangkrieg Produktionen 2003, CD) solo album
blinker_inc, s/t (emphase 2002, CD) band album
Blumm & Möbius, 20 lock grooves (happy zloty 2002, 7inch)
Jew’s Harp (emphase 2001, split 7inch with Stephan Meyer)
Zwei Tage Sauerstoff, s/t (emphase 1999, split-7inch with 40 Sekunden Ohne Gewicht)